How To Get Water Out Of Binoculars?

How To Get Water Out Of Binoculars?

Have you dropped your binoculars in the water? Annoying isn’t it? Are they waterproof? If you’re lucky, your binoculars are O-ring sealed and even filled with an inert gas. In that case, you have nothing to worry about because such models do not allow moisture to get in even when the binoculars are dropped in … Read more

How Does A Magnifying Glass Work?

How Does A Magnifying Glass Work?

Binoculars magnify distant objects, that’s the whole point of using binoculars. For this to work, several lenses are required, which must be precisely arranged in binoculars. One of the most important lenses in this system is the objective lens, which functions as a collecting and magnifying lens. But what is a magnifying lens and how … Read more

What Happens To The Eyes When Looking At The Sun With Binoculars?

Looking At The Sun With Binoculars

Looking at the sun through binoculars or a telescope will fry your eyes in no time and the damage is usually irreparable. NEVER do that without special filters and precautions! The light-bundling properties of the lenses in binoculars amplify and intensify the sun’s energy many times, this can burn structures of the eye, damage the retina and … Read more

What Binoculars Does The Army Use?

Binoculars for military use must meet special requirements. At first, you might think of camouflage, but much more important are robustness, durability, and performance in all imaginable situations and environments from the desert to the Arctic and of course the optical qualities. Many different kinds of binoculars are used by the Military, and each type … Read more


If you’ve been researching about binoculars at all, you’ve probably come to the realization that while a majority of consumer binoculars come at an affordable price tag, the kind of binoculars professionals use, seem to be super high-end optics that come with all kinds of amazing features, and an incredibly large price tag to match. … Read more

American Made Binoculars

Are there american made binoculars

If you are looking for American-made binoculars you might be out of luck. You may be surprised to find out that while there are so many American brands, there really aren’t any binoculars made in the USA. At least not from scratch. Although the U.S. has a multitude of companies selling optical equipment and whole … Read more

How Far Can You See With Binoculars

how far can you see with binoculars

Binoculars magnify objects that are far away and let them appear close so that details can be seen. A frequently asked question in this context, mostly from binoculars novices or from people who have not much experience with using binoculars or telescopes, is the question “how far can you see with binoculars”. Further below I … Read more

How Optical Lenses Work – Reducing Optical Errors

how optical lenses work

Optical instruments, be it binoculars, telescopes, or microscopes, work through a collection of optical lenses and clever use of the various optical properties of the different lens shapes and the different material properties of optical glass types and their surface coatings. But how does a lens work? An optical lens is a more or less … Read more

How To Adjust Binocular Diopter

diopter adjustment

Binoculars consist of two parallel telescopes, hence the name “binocular” which refers to “binocular vision” which means “seeing with two eyes”. Most people do not have the same eyesight in both eyes and see differently sharp. The eyes have different refractive power (diopters). Even the best binoculars require that in order to see properly and … Read more

Binoculars Buying Guide – FAQ

When buying binoculars, you have two options. You can opt for cheap binoculars that may be good enough for occasional observation of distant stuff. Or you can buy high-quality binoculars that are far superior in terms of performance and durability. Although very good binoculars are expensive, they are a one-time purchase that lasts a lifetime. … Read more