30×60 Compact Folding Binoculars

30x60 binoculars

I just had to buy these tiny “30×60 Binoculars” because I wanted to know what die 30×60 means and whether that thing was any good at all. After all, this is a bestseller on Amazon. It is sold from various sellers under different labels, sometimes with quite different specifications. But it seems to be made … Read more

What Is The Binoculars Housing Made Of

binoculars housing

The optical elements, which are essential for the functioning of binoculars, are accommodated in the housing. Most occasional users don’t think twice about the binoculars’ housing as long as the instrument is working. However, a precisely manufactured housing, which protects the optical components and ensures the correct and stable position of all assemblies relative to … Read more

How To Evaluate Binoculars Quality

If you are about to buy new binoculars, you should first set a few purchase criteria that will help you find the right model among the large selection of different models. Basic criteria should always be, the area of application, the size/magnification of the binoculars, as well as the price range. There are not many … Read more

Types of Binoculars

types of binoculars

Buying binoculars should be a well-considered decision so that the new pair of binoculars does not become a disappointment. There are many types of binoculars available in different sizes, for different areas of application with different properties and optical performance. The prices are also very different. If you want to buy binoculars, you have to … Read more

What Do The Numbers On Binoculars Mean

what do the numbers on binoculars mean

The numbers on the binoculars and what they mean can be confusing for the layperson. However, if you want to buy binoculars, it is important to know what do the numbers on binoculars mean and how they affect other binoculars’ parameters. For example – What Does 10×42 In Binoculars Mean This refers to magnification and … Read more

Who Invented Binoculars?

when were binoculars invented

Like so many things that we take for granted today, binoculars were not invented as binoculars but required many ideas, flashes of inspiration, and implementation in practical application by lots of clever people. Who Invented Binoculars? So there is no single person “who invented binoculars”. Throughout history, a number of scholars and engineers have made … Read more

Are The Most Expensive Binoculars The Best?

why are binoculars so expensive

For many people, binoculars appear as fairly simple devices that all look the same. No wonder that many potential buyers are quite surprised when they notice the enormous price range between budget models and premium ones. But why are binoculars so expensive. How come there can be a price difference of over 2000 dollars between … Read more

Binoculars For People With Glasses

binoculars if you wear glasses

Many people rely on glasses to be able to see normally. Those who suffer from severe ametropia usually have to wear their eyeglasses when using an optical instrument too. This can often lead to problems when using binoculars if you wear glasses. Using Binoculars With Glasses To see the projected image in its entirety when … Read more

Binoculars – What Are The Most Important Features

As a skilled outdoors expert, whether you are a hunter, sailor, or bird watcher or have used binoculars professionally for many years,  you probably know exactly how to tell a good pair of binoculars from a bad one. But it is much harder for beginners to find their way around binoculars and to understand the … Read more

Binoculars Magnification Explained

what is binoculars magnification

The magnification of binoculars is the factor by which an object appears larger and closer. The magnification is an important parameter when choosing which binoculars are the most suitable for an intended area of application. But what is the best magnification in binoculars? Although almost any magnification can theoretically be achieved, there are practical limits … Read more